
How to Incorporate AHAs into Your Skincare Routine

Glowing skin is often considered a sign of health and vitality. Many are on a quest for that perfect glow, and in recent times, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) have become popular. AHAs are naturally occurring acids found in fruits and milk, which exfoliate the skin, shedding old, dull surface skin cells and revealing a fresher, more radiant complexion. Among AHAs, glycolic acid is particularly renowned for its exfoliating properties.

If you’re considering incorporating AHAs into your skincare routine, here are some essential tips to help you get started and maximise their benefits.

Understanding the Basics of AHAs

AHAs are acids that help break down dead skin cells and accelerate the skin’s natural exfoliation process. Common AHAs include glycolic, lactic, mandelic, citric, and tartaric acids. They vary in potency and suitability for different skin types. Glycolic acid, being one of the smallest molecules, penetrates the skin more quickly and is often more effective in lower concentrations.

Furthermore, AHAs are not only exfoliants but can also help to enhance skin hydration levels, giving your skin a plump and youthful appearance. Some AHAs, such as lactic acid, are humectants, meaning they attract water molecules and moisturise your skin.

Choosing the Right AHA for Your Skin Type

Selecting an AHA that aligns with your skin type is vital. Lactic acid is often preferred for sensitive skin as it is milder and less likely to cause irritation. For individuals with oily and acne-prone skin, glycolic or mandelic acid can be more suitable as they penetrate deeply, unclogging pores and reducing excess sebum production. Additionally, if you have mature skin, you might find that certain AHAs can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Starting Slow and Patch Testing

As enticing as the benefits of AHAs are, one must tread cautiously. These acids can cause irritation and sensitivity, particularly when first introduced to the skin. Start by using a product with a low concentration of AHAs once a week and gradually increase the frequency as your skin builds tolerance. Monitoring how your skin reacts after each application is also a good idea.

Using Sunscreen Is Non-Negotiable

AHAs make the skin more sensitive to the sun, which could increase your risk of sunburn. Therefore, applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF every day is essential when using products containing AHAs. This will help shield your delicate skin from harmful UV rays and prevent any counterproductive damage that can darken spots and accelerate signs of ageing. You might also consider wearing protective clothing, such as a wide-brimmed hat, to protect your skin.

Pairing AHAs with Other Ingredients

Intelligently pairing AHAs with other skincare ingredients can enhance their effectiveness. For instance, using AHAs and hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid can keep the skin moisturised, which is particularly beneficial when using potent AHAs. On the other hand, combining AHAs with skin-soothing ingredients like chamomile or green tea can help reduce potential irritation. It’s essential to balance your skincare routine by using complementary ingredients that bolster the effects of AHAs without overwhelming the skin.


When used correctly, AHAs can be a game-changer for achieving that coveted glowing complexion. Beginning with a milder AHA, gradually increasing usage, diligently applying sunscreen, and smartly pairing them with complementary ingredients are key strategies for reaping the benefits of these potent acids. Remember that glycolic acid is just one of the AHAs you can incorporate for radiant skin. Listen to your skin and perhaps consult a skin care professional to tailor the use of AHAs to best suit your individual needs.

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